FAIRY Princess Violet Lenses from Pinkicon
Pinkicon recently contacted me asking if I'd like to try out some contacts to review and of course I said yes! I'd actually never heard of the company before, but after looking it up and seeing that it seemed pretty reliable, I was very excited to be working with them. I gave them my prescription and they handled the rest.
In the package I found 2 boxes of lenses, some pamplets and some cute business cards and instructions and such. There were pictures of lots of different lenses they offer as well as false lashes they sell. I personally enjoyed being able to look through these little booklets and seeing what sorts of lenses they carry. I'm always looking out for what style I want to try next so this was a nice addition.
What they sent me was 10 pairs of purple 1day lenses. I used to use daily ones when I first started using contacts a few years ago. I always thought it was more hygienic and safe than year long ones, of even monthly ones, though I'll use any.
The boxes were super cute. The brand I got was FAIRY, one I've never tried before. I have used purple lenses before though, and I do like having something to compare to.
As you can see they're not in the little bottles like I'm sure a lot of my fellow cosplayers are used to. This is the packaging regular prescription lenses come in.
On the left I have one lens in, no makeup. On the right, I have both in with my makeup on (I skipped falsies and mascara because I'm lazy oops)
I really like how these show up on my eyes! They're not so crazy bright purple like my other pair so they seem much more natural and would be wearable for casual day-to-day looks. They're also super comfortable, which would be partially thanks so the short term wear. After one day you can just toss them and start fresh and clean with the next!